Standard VS DOCU4 operating procedure.
Standard operating procedure:
- Create the subgroups starting from the 3D model following the company guidelines for subdividing the spare parts catalogue.
- Export subgroups to PDF.
- Open PDFs with 2D vector drawing software where he completes the table with numbering.
- Export all the 2d drawings in JPG.
- Adds every single table on the company portal.
- The relative JPG file is associated with every single table on the portal.
- Through a pre-set web form, for each single table, the codes and the relative quantities are loaded.
- For each table, the company portal automatically generates the numbering and descriptions of the articles (which therefore do not have to be entered manually).
- Once the portal produced all the tables, the catalogue is published and becomes available online for consulting and ordering the items.
- Furthermore, the PDF version of the catalogue is created manually and will be attached to the company product when shipped to the customer.
- Steps (10) 100%
- Working Hours 100%
DOCU4 operating procedure:
- Create the subgroups starting from the 3D model following the company guidelines for subdividing the spare parts catalogue.
- Export subgroups to PDF into a folder.
- Export the BOM from the enterprise software to the folder mentioned above.
- OPTIONAL – Add the documentation structure to insert in the catalogue and the related PDF files or HTML5-compatible media to the “DOC” subfolder of the same folder.
- Select the previously prepared folder and click the “Publish” button of the DOCU4 application on the Author side.
- Steps (5) 50%
- Working Hours 60%
Docu4 will publish the interactive catalogue online, ready for consulting and ordering items. Checking the corresponding option DOCU4 will also make the PDF catalogue version available.
Then Docu4 autonomously creates all tables including all navigation links and converts each documentation pdf file into HTML5 format.

- A mechanical engineering company uses Docu4 to create spare parts archives for the machine tools.
The web application is available in multiple languages and updated regularly to reflect product changes. The catalogue allows end users to quickly find the spare parts they need and all the related documentation, reducing the number of support interventions.
- A manufacturing company uses Docu4 to create a spare parts catalogue for its production lines.
The solution is integrated with the company’s ERP system, allowing end users to order spare parts directly and provide all information they need. Docu4 simplifies the spare parts sales process and reduces administrative costs.